Lesson 3 - Developing Characters and Stories

Game Intros.
one of the tasks for today's lesson was to look at a game intro and analyse it. for this we analysed the; characters, setting, tone, special equipment/abilities, target audience, conflict and the stakes. For our analysis we chose to look at the opening of Borderlands 2, for this we found that there were four major characters and was set in a world that involved many areas and was set in the future because of the hovering train. During this opening there is a lot of violence but is shot in such a way that it looks like a comedy tone, at the same time we also see each main characters special abilities, the turret for the soldier, the phase lock for the siren, the gunzerking for the gunzerker and turning invisible for the assassin. From the intro it looks like a game aimed at teenagers due to the violence and humor, but the preferred game type seems to be a mix of both shooter and rpg. The conflict for this video is between the villain handsome Jack and the stakes are their lives and the treasure of the vault.

We were then tasked with coming up with our own opening setup, for this we needed to make up; characters, locations, situations and occupations and conflicts.

For our setup we passed paper around with each category on it and wrote something on it, once we had all done this for each one we voted on each category to see what we had. It ended up as the character was a Cat, who's profession was being a cowboy, who was in the situation of being a cannibal, in the location of Dracula's castle which is underneath an Egyptian pyramid and the conflict was between him and a giant dog mech that was also a hot dog dispenser.

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